Tag Archives: Hartney

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 40

Page 40 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 40 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Davis’ Castorine Hair Dressing, the best Pomade in use.

Harris Norman, tanner, h Northumberland
Harrison Henry, clothes cleaner, Queen, h do w
Harrison J Davely, h Waterloo Row
HARRISON THOS, LL D, Prof Eng lit N B U, h Waterloo Row
Hartney Jeremiah, laborer, h Charlotte
Hartney William, tinsmith, h Charlotte
Hartt Charles L, h King
Hartt Charlotte, wid David, h George
Hartt Elizabeth, wid John E, h King
Harvey John, carriage trimmer, h Queen w
Harvey John, jun. Photographer, bds Queen w
Harvey Thomas, laborer, h King
Harvey Thomas, teamster, h York
Haslan Andrew, salesman, h Carleton
Haslan John, h Carleton
Haslan John, jun, salesman, h Carleton
Hatt David, of George Hatt & Sons, h Queen w
Hatt George, of George Hatt & Sons, h Brunswick
HATT GEORGE & SONS, grcers and provisions, Queen w
Havlin Francis, clerk bds George
Havlin James, h George
HAWTHORNE JAS H, tobacnst, fruits, confec, Queen, h Brunswick
HAWTHORNE JOHN B, deputy sheriff and jailor, h Brunswick
Hawthorne William, h Brunswick
Hayes George H, h Carleton
Hayes James, lumberman, ha George
Hayes John, laborer, h King
Hayes Miss Rose, of Hayes & Sharp, h St Mary’s
Hayes & Sharp, milliners, Queen
Hazelton Jacob, lumber dealer, h York
Hazen E M, wid James K, bds, Brunswick
Hazen George, carpenter, h Charlotte
HAZEN J DOUGLAS, Barrister & Notary, Queen, h Brunswick.  See adv opp
Hazlett Hamilton, laborer, h Campbell
Hennebry David A, salesman, h Queen w
Hennebry William P, bookkeeper, bds Queen w
Herbert John, school teacher, bds Magee house
Hersey George, laborer, h Charlotte
Hewitson John, J P, Regent, h do
Higgins Edward, keeper rink, h Brunswick
HILL & BERRY, lumber dealers, Queen w
Hill Charles E, of Hill & Berry, h Pokiok, York Co

Floor Oil Cloths, at Tennant, Davies & Co., Fredericton, N. B.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!