Tag Archives: Wilberg

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 235

Page 235 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 235 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17) –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Baird’s Balsam of Horehound is sold by all dealers, price 25 cents.

Webber Frederick, carriage painter, h Main
WEEKS CEO, builder and carpenter, Union, h do
WELCH ROBT B, grocer, ticket agent, Main, h Connell
West George, brakeman N B R, bds Queen
Westall Joseph, moulder, h Water
Wetmore Edward L, of Wetmore & Murphy, h Fredericton
WETMORE & MURPHY, barristers and notaries, issuers
Of marriage licenses, Queen
Wetmore Robert G, carriage maker, h Broadway
Weary Wentworth, laborer, h Regent
Whelpley Ormond, cabinet maker, bds Richmond
Whenman Charles, engine driver N B R, h Connell road
Whenman John, victualler, Main, h do
White Catherine, wid James, h Connell
White George A, accountant Bank Maritime, h Broadaway
White Herbert, carriage maker, bds Broadway
Whitehead John W, baggage master N B R, bds Exchange hotel
Wiggins W H, carpenter, bds Albert
Wilberg Hans, barber, bds Queen
WILLIAMS CHAS E, bookkeeper John McLauchlan, h Main
Williams Edward, h Broadway
Williams James B, machinist, h Main
Williams Lucy, wid George F, h Main
Williams Richard, builder, Main, h do
WILLIAMSON JOHN, photographer, Main, h Connell
Wilson Charles, laborer, h Broadway
Winslow Fairfax, laborer, h Regent
WINSLOW JOHN C, of John C Winslow & Son, post-
master, barrister, and registrar of probates, Main, h Main n
WINSLOW JOHN C & SON, General Insu-
rance Agents, Main See adv front cover
WINSLOW J NORMAN, barrister, of John C Winslow &
Son, Main, h do w
Winslow Joseph, pilot, h Regent
Wise Charles, barber, h Regent
WISE WM L, hair dresser, Main, h Regent
Wolhampter George B, farmer, h Green
Wood F L, carpenter, bds Queen hotel
Woodland C S, h Emerald
WOODSTOCK PRESS, Colter & Dunphy
proprietors, Queen cor Main See adv per index
Sash and Door, House Furnishing, Tubs, Firkins,
&c, Green, cor Elm See adv back cover

Custom Clothing a specialty, John McLauchlan, Woodstock.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 234]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 236]

A Fredericton Region Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions and to Sunitha C. from Sparked.com Microvolunteering!!!