McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 267

Page 267 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 267 of the McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17) –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Ladies’ Underwear, John McLauchlan, Main st., Woodstock.

Crow George, laborer, Highlands, p o do
Culberson Frederick, farmer, Waterville, p o do
Culberson James, farmer, Avondale, p o do
Culberson, Thomas, farmer, Avondale, p o do
Culberson, William, farmer, Waterville, p o do
CULBERT JAMES, farmer, High Gate, p o Ashland
Cullin Dennis, farmer, Gordonsville, p o do
Cullin Gregory, farmer, Gordonsville, p o do
Cullin James, farmer, Gordonsville, p o do
Cullin John, farmer, River bank, p o do
Cullin John, farmer, Gordonsville, p o do
Cullin Patrick, farmer, Kilfoil, p o do
Cullin Mrs Thomas, Gordonsville, p o do
Cunliffe E, farmer, Plymouth, p o do
Cummings A, farmer, Pembroke, p o do
Cummings, Alonzo P, farmer, Beaufort p o do
Cummings, Anthony, farmer, Canaan settlement, p o Mineral
Cummings Anthony, farmer, Johnsville, p o do
Cummings Matthew, farmer, Canaan settlement, p o Mineral
Cummings Matthew, farmer, Carlow, p o do
CUMMINS SIMON, postmaster, Carlow, p o do
CUMMINS SIMON, dry goods and grocer, Bath, p o Carlow
Cummins Simon jr, farmer, Carlow, p o do
Cunningham B, farmer, Jacksonville, p o do
CUNNINGHAM CHARLES, farmer, Newburg, p o do
Cunningham Charles jr, farmer, Newburg, p o do
Cunningham James, farmer, Newburg, p o do
Cunningham John, farmer, Newburg, p o do
Curnton Daniel, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Curnton F S, farmerm Richmond cor, p o do
CURNTON JAMES, carriage maker, Richmond, p o do
Curran George, Florenceville, p o do
Curran James, labourer, Lakeville road, p o Lakeville
Currie A, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie Alexander, farmer, Knowlesville, p o do
Currie Alfred, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie Andrew, millwright, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie George, farmer, Gregg settlement, p o Centreville
CURRIE GEORGE, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie John, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie John H, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie Jonathan, farmer, Upper Wicklow, p o do
Currie Judson, miiler, Hartland, p o do
Currie Nathan, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie Nathan, horse trainer, Richmond corner, p o do
Currie Richard, farmer and tanner, Bath, p o do
CURRIE ROBT, miller, Richmond cor, p o do
Currie Richard D, farmer, Bumfrau, p o do
Currie Thomas, farmer, Richmond corner, p o do
CURRIE WILLIAM, general dealer, Glassville, p o do

McLean’s Worm Syrup is admitted the best Worm Medicine.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[I could not find a  place called “Canaan Settlement, Carleton County” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database but I did find Canaan, Carleton County (see Giberson Settlement: Kent Parish, Carleton County) and Canaan, Carleton County (see Holmesville: Kent Parish, Carleton County).]

[I could not find a  place called “Richmond, Carleton County” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database but I did find Richmond Corner, Carleton County, Richmond Parish, Carleton County and Richmond Settlement, Carleton County.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 266]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 268]

A Fredericton Region Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions and to Maria A. from Microvolunteering!!!

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