Tag Archives: McCullough

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 174

Page 174 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 174 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant;  bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp
opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Silk Hats made to order by C. & E. Everett, 11 King st., St. John.

[ST. MARYS VILLAGE continued]
Dayton Benjamin, machinist, p o St Marys
Dayton Horace, clerk, p o St Marys
DAYTON SAML, grocer, p o St Marys
Dayton William P, painter, p o St Marys
ESTABROOKS CALVIN L, postmaster & grocer, p o St Marys
ESTABROOKS TURNEY, propr Exchange hotel, p o St Marys
Flemming George, teamster, p o St Marys
Flemming Jeremiah, blacksmith, p o St Marys
FLETCHER GEO W, grocer, p o St Marys
Foster James, carpenter, p o St Marys
Friel Charles H, mechanic, p o St Marys
GILBERT FRANK, furniture manufacturer, p o St Marys
Gilbert Charles, tanner, p o St Marys
Gilbert James, teamster, p o St Marys
Gunter Duncan, farmer, Miramichi road, p o St Marys
HAINES ALFD, contractor, p o St Marys
Haines Frederick, farmer, p o St Marys
HAINES SAMUEL, boot and shoe maker, p o St Marys
Haines Rhoderick, ferry owner, p o St Marys
Haines Whitman, contractor, p o St Marys
Hall John, blacksmith, p o St Marys
Hanson Edgar, clerk provincial sec, p o St Marys
Harrison Edward, laborer, p o St Marys
Hayes James, farmer, p o St Marys
HAYES JAS Jr, grocer, p o St Mary’s
Henry Randolph, farmer, p o St Marys
Heron Miss Mary, Miramichi road, p o St Marys
Hughes Rev B N, Baptist, p o St Marys
Hughes George A, student, p o St Marys
Hughes Peter, farmer, p o St Marys
Hughes Thomas, farmer, p o St Marys
Jeffrey William, furniture, manufacturer, p o St Marys
JEFFREY W & CO, planing mill, p o St Marys
JEFFREY REV WM, Episcopalian, p o St Marys
Keirstead Joseph, blacksmith, p o St Marys
LESLIE JOHN, general pealer, p o St Marys
Louis William, victualler, p o St Marys
Maybee John, carpenter, p o St Marys
Maybee Thomas, farmer, p o St Marys
McCONAGHEY EDW H, harness maker, p o St Marys
McCOY JOHN, livery stable, p o St Marys
McCullough John, gardener, p o St Marys
McDonald John, p o St Marys
McFARLANE WALTER, hame manufacturer, p o St Marys
Moody Benjamin, laborer, p o St Marys
Morehouse Allen, laborer, p o St Marys
MULLEN ELDON, principal normal school, p o St Marys
Myles Jacob, farmer, p o St Marys
Ross Benjamin, laborer, p o St Marys
Smith Joseph, farmer, Miramichi road, p o St Marys

J.J. Weddall, Berlin and Fancy Goods, Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[There are two communities listed as “Miramichi Road” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database in York County.  There is Miramichi Road, Gloucester County and Miramichi Road, Kent County.]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project
… exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions!!!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 152

Page 152 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 152 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Queen Hotel, every attention paid to guests, Queen St., Fredericton

Shields Thomas, laborer, p o Nashwaak village
Sloot John, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
Smith Cornelius A, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
Smith James W, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
Vanhorne Cornelius, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
Vanhorne Gabriel, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
VANHORNE GEORGE, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
WHITE SEBASTIAN, farmer, p o Nashwaak village
Woodworth Frederick, farmer, p o Nashwaak village

Bailey David, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Bailey Jeremiah, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Bailey William, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Bailey William, jun, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Bailey William, 3rd, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Barker John, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Barker Judson, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
BIRD ROBERT, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Boyer Edward, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Brewer Thomas H, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Burpee Charles, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
BURPEE GEORGE, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Burpee John, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Burpee Wallace, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
CARTER GEO E, general dealer, p o Nashwaaksis
CLAYTON Mrs JAMES, general dealer, p o Nashwaaksis
Crummer Benjamin, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Crummer John, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
DYKEMAN GILBERT, miller, p o Nashwaaksis
Evans Benjamin, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Gill George, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
GILL J H, mill owner, p o Nashwaaksis
Grant John, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Grant Ludlow, carpenter, p o Nashwaaksis
Gunter Samuel, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Harris Thomas, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Hazlet John J, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis
Hill Thomas, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
James Joseph, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Johnston James, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
Johnston William, farmer, p o Nashwaaksis
JOHNSTON WM E, general dealer, p o Nashwaaksis
Kelly Alonzo, school teacher, p o Nashwaaksis
Keen Henry, boot ann [sic] shoe maker, p o Nashwaaksis
KINGHORN Rev WILLIAM, Free Baptist, p o Nashwaaksis
Kinghorn William, jun, tanner and currier, p o Nashwaaksis
MANZER Rev DOUGLAS, Baptist and general dealer, p o Nashwaaksis
McAdam James, carder, p o Nashwaaksis
McCullough William, laborer, p o Nashwaaksis

J. J. Weddall, Dry Goods, no second price, Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 127

Page 127 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 127 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Tennant, Davies & Co., F’ton, N. B., Ladies’ Vests and Drawers.

[KESWICK RIDGE continued]
Coburn Tyler, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Coburn William, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Diamond Moses, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
ESTEY BYRON, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Estey Nehemiah, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Estey Warren, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Grant Jacobs, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Haines Daniel, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Haines Frank, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Hall Edward, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
HARRIGAN JNO, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Harrigan John jr, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett James, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett John, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Robert K, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
JEWETT THOS, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Thomas jr, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Kennedy James, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Key John, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Kilburn Albert, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Kilburn Hiram, school teacher, p o Keswick Ridge
Kilburn John, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
LUNT ENOCH C, ferryman, p o Keswick Ridge
Lunt Henry, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
McCullough Henry, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
McKeen Abraham, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
McKEEN HEDLEY, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
McKeen John, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
McKeen Jospeh, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
McKIEL Rev WM LeB, Episcopalian and post master, p o Keswick Ridge
Mitchell William, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Pickard Abraham, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
PICKARD AMOS, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Pickard Charles, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Pickard John, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Pickard Moses, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
PICKARD SAM’L, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Sloat John, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Sloat Robert, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Sloat William, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Smith James, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Smith Samuel J, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
VANBUSKIRK ROBT, blacksmith, p o Keswick Ridge
Waters Timothy, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Weary Robert, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge

Barr Allen, farmer, p o Upper Keswick Ridge
CAMERON REV D W, Congregational, p o Upper Keswick Ridge

Tennant, Davies & Co., F’ton, Wholesale & Retail Dry Goods.

[I could not find “Keswick Ridge Upper” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database for York County but I did find Keswick, Keswick Ridge and Keswick Valley.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 118

Page 118 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 118 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Tennant, Davies & Co., F’ton, N. B., Parks’ Knitting Cotton.

[HARVEY STATION continued]
BECK MRS JANE A, general dealer, p o Harvey station
Burgess James, farmer, p o Harvey station
Burrell Alexander, farmer, p o Harvey station
Burrell George, farmer, p o Harvey station
Burrell John, section man, p o Harvey station
BURRELL ROBERT, farmer, p o Harvey station
Coburn Andrew W, farmer, p o Harvey station
Coburn John, farmer, p o Harvey station
Coburn William, farmer, p o Harvey station
Craig James, farmer, p o Harvey station
Craig James jr, farmer, p o Harvey station
Craig William, farmer, p o Harvey station
Darcas Andrew, farmer, p o Harvey station
Darcas Mrs Andrew, p o Harvey station
DeVEBER FRED W, station master, p o Harvey station
DONOHUE MICHAEL, blacksmith, p o Harvey station
Embelton Elisha, farmer, p o Harvey station
Embelton George, farmer, p o Harvey station
Embelton George R, farmer, p o Harvey station
Embelton Robert, farmer, p o Harvey station
Embelton Robert jr, farmer, p o Harvey station
Elkinton William, laborer, p o Harvey station
GLENDENNING DAVID, gen dealer, p o Harvey station
GOW STEWART, trader, p o Harvey station
Grieves John, farmer, p o Harvey station
GRIEVES ROBT, postmaster, p o Harvey station
Harvey Mrs Thomas, farmer, p o Harvey station
Hay Alexander, jr, farmer, p o Harvey station
Hay John, farmer, p o Harvey station
Hay John jr, farmer, p o Harvey station
Hay Robert, spinner, p o Harvey station
Hay William, blacksmith, p o Harvey station
HOLLAND DAN’L, general dealer, p o Harvey station
Holland Frank, trader, p o Harvey station
Kilpatrick John, farmer, p o Harvey station
Little john D, farmer, p o Harvey station
Lyons Alexander, farmer, p o Harvey station
Lyons James, farmer, p o Harvey station
Lyons Richard, farmer, p o Harvey station
McCLYMONT PETER, General Dealer, p o Harvey station  See adv back
McCULLOUGH WM, farmer, p o Harvey station
McGee James, section man, p o Harvey station
McGee William, section man, p o Harvey station
McLaughlin Andrew, farmer, p o Harvey station
McLaughlin Samuel, farmer, p o Harvey station
Moody James, farmer, p o Harvey station
Moody Robert, farmer, p o Harvey station
Moody Mrs Samuel, p o Harvey station
NAIRN REV ROBT, Presbyterian, p o Harvey station

J. J. Weddall, Silks, Satins, &c., Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!