Tag Archives: Passamaquoddy Bay

Indentures of Sale

MC300-MS28 York-Sunbury Historical Society Collection Description (page 189)

If you are interested in any of these files then please contact the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

“This series contains 9 items relating to the sale and transfer of land dating between 1787 and 1876.”

1  Indenture of sale of Mercy Harris, Sunbury County, to Thomas Peters, Queens County, for land in Hampstead; December 18, 1787.

2  Indenture of sale of Thomas and Susanna Peters, Hampstead, Queens County, to Marcus Peters, Hampstead, for Great Musquash Island and Long Island; May 15, 1798.

3  Indenture of sale of Abraham Stockford, Wickham Parish, Queens County, to William Peters, Hampstead, Queens County; June 26, 1818.

4  Agreement between Thomas M. Wright, Fredericton, and John Kileen, Douglas Parish, concerning land on the Cardigan Road, Douglas; September 5, 1840.

5  Indenture of sale of Marcus and Frances Peters, Sheffield, to William Peters, Hampstead, for Great Musquash Island; 1806.

6  Indenture of sale of Andrew and Elisabeth Guntor, Waterborough Parish, Queens County, to Alexander Montgomery, Wickham, for land near Washademoak Lake; May 5, 1797.

7  Indenture of sale of David Appleby, Wickham, to William Peters, Hampstead for land near Washademoak Lake; May 7, 1810.

8  Indenture of sale of The New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Company to Peter McFarlane, Douglas Parish, for land in Douglas; January 19, 1848.

9  Papers of conveyance (or release) of Passamaquoddy Bay including the islands of Campobello, Penguin Island, and Mark Island from Sir Edward William Campbell R. Owen, William and Anne Owen, Glan Severn, and Richard Griffiths, Welchpool, to William Fitzwilliam Owen; April 16, 1835.

Clippings (MS19 – 19A)

Fundy National Park, Matthews Head

Fundy National Park, Matthews Head (Image via Wikipedia)

MC300-MS19 York-Sunbury Historical Society Collection Description (page 147)

If you are interested in any of these files then please contact the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

Continued from Clippings (MS19 – 1 to 18)

“G.A. Good’s clippings of a series of 100 articles of Ian Sclanders’ column “New Brunswick Parade”, Telegraph Journal, Summer, 1948.  These articles have dealt with people, places and developments in New Brunswick.  Sclanders’ newspaper clippings are numbered in sequence and pasted on the right-hand side of each page.  Clippings of contemporary items of interest may be on the left-hand side of the page.  The pages of the scrapbook have been numbered and the listing below follows the pagination in the scrapbook.

This Sclander’s list can be compared with MC615.”

1  Clippings and photos; a  “City’s Incorporation” – Fredericton; b  “As Car Smashes Into Steel Upright” on Reversing Falls Bridge, Saint John, 1948

2  Clipping (article #1)  “Moncton -The Coming Place”

3  Clippings and photo; a  “Emblem of N.B. Craftsmen”; b  “Fiddlehead Motif Chosen by Handicrafts Guild to Mark N.B. Products”; c  “Free Power Discussed by Babson”; d  Photo of improvement to road at the Westfield Junction of the Broad and River Roads.  “Presents Striking Improvement”; e  “Sir Isaac Newton”

4  Clipping (article #3) on Fundy National Park, “The National Park”

5  Clippings, “Over the Eidtor’s Desk” – How it feel being an editor?

6  Clippings (articles #4 and #5); a  “The Island Ferry” – from Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick to Borden, Prince Edward Island; b  “Strongest Ferry Dock In the World” – Cape Tormentine

7  Clipping and photos of Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, Leader in Political and Social Affairs, Dorothy Thompson, Authority on International Affairs, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. Long known as an eminent suffragist and leader in peace movements, and sketch of Susan B. Anthony who played an active role in the Campaign for universal sufferage.  “100 Years of Progress” – “American Women Still Fighting for Privileges Under Democracy”.  The Christian Science Monitor, March 20, 1948

8  Clipping (article #6) “The Search For Oil in New Brunswick”

 9  Clipping “Ten More Provinces?” Vancouver News-Herald  by  A. R. M. Lower

10  Clippings (article #7) and photos; a  “State of the Language” – “Verbal Weeds Found Crowding the Garden of the King’s English”  by Gelett Burgess.  The Christian Science Monitor, March 20, 1948.; b  “Prelude to Alarm Clock” – “Chicago Exhibit Shows Evolution of Mechanical Time Servants” by Dorothea Kahn, The Christian Science Monitor, March 20, 1948.; c  “Enterprise Paying Off” by  S. R. Frost

11  blank page

12  Clippings (articles #8 and #9); a  “A Fascinating Story” about old Fort Beausejour by  J. Clarence Webster; b  “Underground Attractions”, Westmorland County, (continued on page 14)

13  blank page

14  Clippings (article #10); a  “Fred Magee’s School”, (continued on page 16); b  “Regional School at Port Elgin Opening Tonight” has photo of Fred Magee

15  blank page

16  Clipping (article #11), “Marshland Reclamation” -Bay of Fundy

17  blank  page

18  Clippings (articles #12 and #13); a  “Edmundston – The Musical Town”; b  “Madawaska’s Wood Carvers” (continued on page 20)

19  blank page

20  Clipping (article #14) “The ‘Republic of Madawaska’”-Edmundston, (continued on page 22)

21  blank page

22  continuation of article on page 20 “The ‘Republic of Madawaska’”

23  blank page

24  Clippings (articles #16 and #17); a  “Tobique’s Basket Makers”-Sachem Bill Saulis; b  “The Scotch Colony”- Kincardine and Kintore (continued on page 26)

25  blank page

26  Clipping (article #18), “The Big Waterfall” town of Grand Falls

27  blank page

28  Clipping (articles #19 and #20); a  “Straddling The Border” -Maine and New Brunswick; b  “The Potato Belt in New Brunswick” (continued on page 30)

29  blank page

30  Clipping (article #21), “2,000 Arrowheads” George Frederick Clarke

31  blank page

32  Clippings (articles #22 and #23); a  “Longest Covered Bridge” -Hartland, Carleton County; b  “Banner Farming Country” -Gladstone W. Perry (continued on page 34)

33  blank page

34  Clippings (articles #23 and #24); a  Continuation of article on page 32 “Banner Farming Country”; b  “Elusive Gold”-Carleton and Victoria Counties

35  blank page

36  Clippings (articles #25 and #26); a  “Lobsters For A Continent” -St. Andrews; b  “Where Dreams Came True” -Deer Island

37  Clipping (article #27), “Resort Town” -St. Andrews

38        Clipping (articles #28 and #29); a  “Less Smuggling Now” -St. Croix;  b  “Where Fish Are Studied” -Passamaquoddy Bay, St. Andrews (continued on page 40)

39  blank page

40  Clipping (article #30) “Power From The Moon” -Fundy Bay’s tides

41  blank page

42  Clippings (articles #30, #31 and #32); a  Continuation of article (#30) “Power from the Moon”; b  “Stamps Are His Business” -Ralph O. Garcelon; c  “Working For Prosperity” -Department of Industry  (continued on page 44)

43  blank page

44  Clippings (articles #32 and #33); a  Continuation of article (article #32) “Working For Prosperity”; b  “The Bird Book Mystery” -John James Audubon (continued on page 46)

45  Horse and Ox Pull Advertisement, 25th August, 1948 at Canning N.S.

46  Clippings (articles #33 and #34); a  Continuation of article (article #33) “The Bird Book Mystery”; b  “630 – Acre Laboratory”-Dominion Experimental Station at Fredericton

47  blank page

48  Clippings (articles #35 and #36); a  “University on the Hill” –UNB; b  “Politics, Old Style”-Legislative Building at Fredericton (continued on page 50)

49  blank page

50  Clippings (articles #36 and #37); a  Continuation of article, “Politics Old Style”; b  “Where People Work Together”-Harvey, York County (continued on page 52)

51  Mailing label from Eaton Co. to Mrs. Frank A. Good??

52  Clipping (article #38) “Hobbies For Profit”-Dr. Ivan H. Crowell

53  blank page

54  Clippings (articles #39 and #40); a  “A Colorful Character” -Joseph Cunard; b  “Lord Beaverbrook’s Home Town” -Newcastle, 7th June 1948 (continued on page 56)

55  blank page

56  Clippings (articles #40 and #41); a  Continuation of article “Lord Beaverbrook’s Home Town”; b  “Land of Plenty” -Blueberries in Northeastern New Brunswick (continued on page 58)

57  blank page

58  Clippings (articles #41, #42 and #43); a  Continuation of article “Land of Plenty”; b  “Forest Show Place”-Miramichi; c  “Village of Pioneers” –Allardville

59  blank page

60  Clipping (article #44) “Bathurst Looks Ahead” (continued on page 62)

61  blank page

62  Clippings (articles #44 and #45); a  Continuation of article “Bathurst Looks Ahead”; b  “The Shortest Railway”- The Northern New Brunswick and Seaboard Railway

63  blank page

64  Clipping (article #46) “The Professor’s Hobby Land” -Cornelius Imhoff

65  blank page

66  Clippings (articles #47 and #48); a  “Bay Chaleur’s Mystery” -Phantom or Fire Ship; b  “Unlucky Adventurer” -Nicholas Denys (continued on page 68)

68  Clippings (articles #48, #49); a  Continuation of article “Unlucky Adventurer”; b  Strange Islands-Shippegan and Miscou

69  blank page

70  Clippings (articles #50, #51); a  “Moss Worth Money” -Peat, Gloucester County; b  “Historic Fishing Port”-Caraquet wharf (continued on page 72)

71  blank page

72  Clippings (articles #51, #52); a  Continuation of article “Historic Fishing Port”; b  “The Old Ship” -Marquis de Malauze (continued on page 74)

73  blank page

74  Clippings (articles #52, #53, #54); a  Continuation of article “The Old Ship”; b  “The Sugar Loaf”- Campbellton; c  “The Corporation Drive” – J.W. Fitzgerald and His Log Driving and Boom Company

75  blank page

76  Clippings (articles #54, #55); a  Continuation of article “The Sugar Loaf”; b  “Fabulous Fishing” – Restigouche Salmon Club

77  blank page

Clippings (articles #55, #56, #57); a  Continuation of article “Fabulous Fishing”; b  “Town of Champions” – Dalhousie; c  “Sea Stories”; Sea Stories-Mary Celeste (57)

80  Pioneer Business Women-Mrs. Edmund  Powell (58)

82  Colorful Communities-Richibucto Rexton district (59)

84  Austere Community-Rogersville monastery (60); Village With Two Names-Butternut Ridge or Havelock (61)

86  The Gardening Baroness-Miss. Bartholomew Wttewaall (62)

88  Fabulous McMonagle-Hugh McMonagle (63)

90  The Wonderful Spring-Springdale, Kings County (64); The Old Jail-Hampton, Kings County (65)

92  Coal Mining Centre-Tony Paul, Minto (66); Forest Laboratory-Forest Experimental Station, Sunbury County (67)

94  Giant Vegetable Patch-Sheffield, Sunbury County (68)

98  Colored Community– Elm Hill (near Gagetown) (69); St. John River Homestead-W. W. Hubbard (70)

100  Famous Farm–George Carter Cossar (71); Old Time Hanging-Patrick Burgin (72)

102  Cobbett’s Romance-William Cobbett and Ann Burger (73)

104  Seaswept and Storied; -Residents in Partridge Island, Saint John (74); Gallant Lady-Marie Jacqueline (75)

106  Two Famous Outcasts; -General Benedict Arnold and Colonel Fanning (76)

108  Mysteries of the Sea-Windships of New Brunswick (78); The First Fifty years-Saint John, May 18, 1833 (77)

110  The First Merchant in Saint John-James White (79); The Main John-John B. Glasier (81)

112  The Fastest Ship-Marco Polo (82)

114  The Great Fire-Saint John, June 20, 1877 (83); The Historic March -Mid-winter Snowshoe March Made by 104th Regiment (War of 1812) (80)

116  The First Museum-Abraham Gesner, 1840’s

118  The Forgotten Fleet -Mechanics Whale-Fishing Company, 1836 (85)

119  Merchant Ship Owners -Jacob Troop and Howard Troop (86)

120  The Inspired Poet-John Callaghan McCarthy (87); When They Were Kids-Margaret Anglin, Louis B Mayer, Fred Astaire, Walter Pidgeon (88)

122  The Island That Vanished-Chkondun and Ouigoudi (89); Old Style Justice-Daniel Kar and William Green (90)

124  The Riverboats-St. John River (91)

126  The Fabulous Mister-William MacIntosh (92); The Birth of A Port-Saint John 1890’s (93)

128  Fundy’s Traffic Squad-Fundy’s Network (Light, Fog Alarm station, Radio Direction, and Life Saving Station) (94); The Famous Falls-Reversing Falls, 1858 (95)

130  The Good Old Days-Auction of fishing Sites in Saint John Harbour (96)

132  The Famous Oarsman-The Paris Crew (97); Strange Weather-Saint John, November 7, 1819 (98)

134  The Great Rink-Victoria Rink in Saint John (99); The Big Celebration-Saint John, September 14, 1853 (100)