Tag Archives: Wright

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 239

Page 239 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 239 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17) –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



McLean’s Worm Syrup always gives satisfaction.

Watson George H. farmer, h Main
Watson James, h Main
Watson Samuel, constable, h Main
Westall William, carpenter, h Main
Winslow Wentworth, laborer, h Jacksontown road
Wright William R, foreman A Henderson, bds Trecarten house

Adams Charles, laborer, Lower Woodstock
Armstrong Mrs Eliza, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bernard Albert, farmer, Lower Woodstrock, p o do
Beardsley Charles, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Beardsley Miss Matilda, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bedell Jarvis, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Brayton James, jarmer, lwoer Woodstock, p o do
Briant William, Farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Britney James, laborer, Lower Woodstock, p o Canterbury
Brophy Patrick, laborer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Brown Mrs James, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Brown Tyler, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Abner, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Albert, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Bertlett, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Byron, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Charles, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Franklin, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Bull Henry, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Cameron Winslow, foreman Shaw Bros, L’wr Woodstock, p o do
Campbell Mrs, Lower Woodstock, p o Canterbury
Carman Odbur, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Carman Samual, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Colwell William H, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Cookson Frederick, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Crabb William, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Craig John, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
CROCKER WALTER H, agt Shaw Bros, L’wr Woodstock,po do
Day John P, farmer, Lower Woodstock, po do
Dibble Charles F, farmer and surveyor, L’wr Woodstock, p o do
Dibblee Fredrick, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Dibblee Livingston, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Dickerson Alexander, laborer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Dickerson Charles, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do
Dickerson Charles, jr, farmer, Lower Woodstock, p o do

J.G. Emery, Woodstock, Chandeliers, Brackets, Lanterns & Lamps

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 238]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 240]

A Fredericton Region Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions and to Bev L. from Sparked.com Microvolunteering!!!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 236

Page 236 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 236 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17) –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Hosiery, all kinds, all sizes, John McLauchlan, Main st., Woodstock

WOODLING CHAS S, plumber & gasfitter, off Main, h B’way
Woodworth Huntley H, machinist, h Central
Woodworth Palmer, carpenter, h Central
Wright Amazial, laborer, h Park
Wright Miss Druscilla, dressmaker, bds Park
Wright Henry, laborer, h Park
Wright Townsend, machinist, h Grafton
YERXA WOODFORD, grocer and prov, Main, bds Exchange hotel
Young James, carpenter, bds Grover
Young John, cabinet maker, bds Grover

Adams Samuel, railway contractor, bds Freeman house
Albert Isaac, laborer, bds Main
Astle J W, cabinet maker, bds Lorne house
Barnes B J, painter, h Main
Blizzard Moses, laborer, h Main
Brewer Albert, bridge builder, h Main
Brewer George A, carpenter, h Main
Brewer Henry, laborer, h Main
Brewer Lewis, laborer, h Main
Brown Earl D, cabinet maker, h Main
Brown Hubert, carpenter, h Main
Brown James W, blacksmith, Main, h do
BRITTON R K, boot and shoemaker, Main, h do
Carney Daniel, farmer, h Jacksontown road
Carter Joseph, carpenter, h Main
Clark Charles L, bridge builder, bds Lorne
Cluff Daniel, laborer, h Jacksontown road
Cluff Mrs John, h Jacksontown road
COES ROBT, blacksmith, Main, h do
Currie Frank, bridge builder, bds Lorne
Currie John, bridge builder, bds Lorne
Day Mrs Cassie, h Main
Day John, laborer, h Main
Day Thomas, laborer, h Main
Dickie Lucy, wid William, h Main
Donovan Ellen, wid Michael, h Main
Donovan Joseph, laborer, h Main
Dorey William, bridge builder, bds Lorne house
Dysart James, carpenter, h Main
Dysart John, cabinet maker, h Main
Faulkins Robert, cabinet maker, bds Trecartin house

Plain Gold Wedding Rings at L. N. Fletcher’s, Main st., Woodstock.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 235]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 237]

A Fredericton Region Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions and to Sunitha C. from Sparked.com Microvolunteering!!!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 179

Page 179 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 179 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Furs, in Seal, Mink and Sable, at C. & E. Everett’s, 11 King, St. John,

Akerly Harris, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Akerly John, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Bartlett Mrs Charles, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brooks A Dow, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brooks A Dow jr, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brooks Edmund, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brooks Frederick, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brooks Jonathan, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brooks Rankin, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Brown George, mill owner, p o Upper Southampton
GRANT CHAS, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Harris Daniel, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Hilman Edward, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Hilman John, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
LENENTINE JOHN W, postmaster and ferryman, p o Upper Southampton
Lint Isaac, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Patterson Albert, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Philips Nevers, farmer, p o Canterbury
Taylor Edward, ferry, p o Canterbury
Tompkins David, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Tompkins Jonathan, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Wright Arlington, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
WRIGHT REV ELESER, Free Baptist, p o Up Southampton
WRIGHT HENRY, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Wright Woodford, farmer, p o Upper Southampton
Young Joel, farmer, p o Upper Southampton

Bell Henry, blacksmith, p o Stanley
BELL ELIJA A, dealer in General Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, &c, p o Stanley
Bennett Caleb, farmer, p o Stanley
Bennett Robert, farmer, p o Stanley
BENNETT THOMAS, farmer, p o Stanley
Bennett William, farmer, p o Stanley
Best William, farmer, Stanley road, p o Stanley
Bishop John, farmer, p o Stanley
Brewer John, farmer, p o Stanley
BREWER ROBT, farmer, p o Stanley
Bustin John, farmer, Stanley road, p o Stanley
Cookson Thomas, farmer, p o Stanley
Cooper Frederick, farmer, p o Stanley
Cooper James, farmer, p o Stanley
Cooper John, farmer, p o Stanley
Currie John, farmer, Currie settlement, p o Stanley
Currie Robert, farmer, p o Stanley
FORBES DUNCAN, farmer, p o Stanley

J.J. Weddall, Dry Goods,no second price, Fredericton.

[There are two communities listed as “Canterbury” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database in York County.  There is Canterbury in at the mouth of Eel River in Canterbury Parish and Canterbury in Meductic Canterbury Parish.]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions!!!

Volume 28, Number 1 (Spring and Summer 2011) – War Brides Part 2

Volume 28, Number 1 (Spring and Summer 2011) – War Brides Part 2.

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 172

Page 172 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 172 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



A good fitting garment made at Gunn’s, Fredericton.

[ROYAL ROAD continued]
Little John, farmer, p o Royal road
Lyons Alexander, farmer, p o Royal road
McNorton Robert, farmer, Hurlett settlement’ p o Royal road
MURRAY NELSON, farmer, p o Royal road
Nealis William, farmer, p o Royal road
Peeney Barnard, farmer, p o Royal road
Peeney Philip, farmer, p o Royal road
Sandworth Archibald, farmer, p o Royal road
Sandworth John, farmer, p o Royal road
SANSON THOS, farmer, p o Royal road
Sanson William jr, farmer, p o Royal road
Seymour William, farmer, p o Royal road
White Henry, farmer, Hurlett settlement, p o Royal road
Wiley Robert, farmer, p o Royal road
Wright Thomas, farmer, p o Royal road
White John, farmer, Hurlett settlement, p o Royal road

Davis Mrs Samuel, p o Harvey station
Deneen Michael, farmer, p o Harvey station
Deneen Timothy, farmer, p o Harvey station
Hood William, farmer, p o Harvey station
Pollock John, farmer, p o Harvey station
Stack George, farmer, p o Harvey station
Stack James, farmer, p o Harvey station
Stack Timothy, farmer, p o Harvey station

Allan David, farmer, p o St Croix
Beates A F, laborer, p o St Croix
Bradwin John, farmer, p o St Croix
CASEY JOHN E, general dealer, p o St Croix
Coulter James, farmer, p o St Croix
Curran John, farmer, p o St Croix
Curran John, laborer, p o St Croix
Coulter William, farmer, p o St Croix
Dewitt Isaac, trader, p o St Croix
Dixon Samuel, laborer, p o St Croix
GALLAGHER DANIEL, postmaster & trader, p o St Croix
Gillespie Richard, laborer, p o St Croix
Hanson John, laborer, p o St Croix
HOOD JAS, general dealer, p o St Croix
Howland Thomas, farmer, p o St Croix
Keating William, laborer, p o St Croix
Lears Patrick, boot and show maker, p o St Croix
Lears William, clerk, p o St Croix
LEE JEREMIAH, general dealer, p o St Croix
Lewis Bartley, clerk, p o St Croix

J.J. Weddall, all goods as represented, Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[I could not find “St. Andrew’s Road” in the Provincial Archives “Where
is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present
” database for York

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project
… exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions!!!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 143

Page 143 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 143 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



J. A. Edwards, proprietor Queen Hotel, Queen St., Fredericton

[McADAM JUNCTION continued]
Geehan George, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Geehan George W, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Geehan Walter, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Grant Walter, section man, p o McAdam Junction
GREEN JAS W, station master, p o McAdam Junction
Grant Otis, baggage master N b R, p o McAdam Junction
Green George, station agent V N B R, p o McAdam Junction
HADDOCK JAS, general dealer, p o McAdam Junction
Hallett John, clerk, p o McAdam Junction
Heuon William, section man N B R, p o McAdam Junction
HERBERT HENRY M, prop Junction House, p o McAdam Junction
HERBERT W H, restaurant, p o McAdam Junction
HOBAN CHAS F, post master, p o McAdam Junction
Jenkinson Joseph, carpenter, p o McAdam Junction
Johnston Christopher, carpenter, p o McAdam Junction
Kempt Mrs Charles, p o McAdam Junction
Leary George, clerk, p o McAdam Junction
McFarlane John, blacksmith, p o McAdam Junction
Moffatt George, foreman N B R workshops, p o McAdam Junction
O`HERON WM, dining saloon, p o McAdam Junction
Osbourn George, carpenter, p o McAdam Junction
Phillips Uriah, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Robinson Bell, foreman, p o McAdam Junction
Saunders Harry, foreman, p o McAdam Junction
Shean William, blacksmith, p o McAdam Junction
Stairs Langley, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Stanox Odburn, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Stove Thomas, engineer N B R, p o McAdam Junction
Sullivan Jeremiah, section man, p o McAdam Junction
Treadwell Guthrie, engineer N B R, p o McAdam Junction
Waller John, car repairer N B R, p o McAdam Junction
WATTS SAMUEL, Customs officer, p o McAdam Junction
Wright Andrew, car repairer N B R, p o McAdam Junction
Wright John, laborer, p o McAdam Junction
Wright Robert, section man N B R, p o McAdam Junction

Fog George, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Fox Hezekiah, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
McFarlane Thomas H, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
STAIRS ADAM, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Stairs Daniel, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Stairs Robert, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Stairs Roland, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Stairs Thomas, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Stairs William, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Thornton Herbert, farmer, p o Temperance Vale
Thornton Morgan, farmer, p o Temperance Vale

Try Gunn’s for a good Suit of Clothes, Queen st., Fredericton.

[I could not find “McFarlane Settlement” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database for York County but I did find McFarland Settlement in York County and McFarlane Settlement in Queens County.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 133

Page 133 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 133 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas at C. & E. Everett’s.  11 King, St John.

[LAKE GEORGE continued]
O’Keefe Patrick, farmer, p o Lake George
O’Keefe Timothy, farmer, p o Lake George
Pickard Moses, farmer, p o Lake George
Ramsay Thomas, farmer, p o Lake George
Rapsey William, foreman N B Antimony mines, p o Lake George
ROBINSON WM, boot and shoe maker, p o Lake George
SEARGEANT GEO S, manager N B antimony mines, p o Lake George
Tinney Francis, miner, p o Lake George
Wright Eli, miner, p o Lake George

Boulter Mrs Thomas, p o Stanley
Boulter William, farmer, p o Stanley
Currie William, farmer, p o Stanley
DOUGLASS DAVID, farmer, p o Stanley
Douglass David jr, farmer, p o Stanley
Douglass John, farmer, p o Stanley
Douglass Thomas, farmer, p o Stanley
McKinnon Angus, farmer, p o Stanley
McKinnon James, farmer, p o Stanley
McKinnon Malcolm, farmer, p o Stanley
McKINNON NEIL, postmaster, p o Stanley
McKinnon Thomas, farmer, p o Stanley
Pringle Gilbert, farmer, p o Stanley
Taylor Mrs William, p o Stanley

AGNEW JOHN J, farmer, p o Stanley
Boulter James, farmer, p o Stanley
Boulter John, farmer, p o Stanley
Boulter Thomas, farmer, p o Stanley
Brown Frederick, farmer, p o Stanley
Brown Joseph, farmer, p o Stanley
Giden William, farmer, p o Stanley
Harvey Charles, farmer, p o Stanley
Harvey Edward, farmer, p o Stanley
Harvey John, farmer, p o Stanley
Harvey William, farmer, p o Stanley
KERR GEO, farmer, p o Stanley
Kerr John, farmer, p o Stanley
Thorburn Joseph, farmer, p o Stanley
Wilkinson Robert, farmer, p o Stanley
Wilkinson Robert, farmer, p o Stanley
WILKINSON WM, farmer, p o Stanley

LINCOLN.  See Fredericton
Briggs Alexander, farmer, p o Harvey station
BRIGGS THOS, farmer, p o Harvey station

J. J. Weddall, Dry Goods, no second price, Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 123

Page 123 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 123 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



J. J. Weddall, Dry Goods, opp. Normal School, Fredericton.

[JONES FORKS continued]
Meek Thomas, farmer, p o Upper Keswick
Shephard Markwell, farmer, p o Upper Keswick
WHITE ALFRED, farmer, p o Upper Keswick
White Medley, farmer, p o Upper Keswick
White Thomas, farmer, p o Upper Keswick

Clayton Daniel, labourer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Colter Alexander, jun, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
COLTER JAS, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Dunphy Charles E, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Dunphy Edward, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Dunphy Frederick, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Dunphy George, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Dunphy Jonathan, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
DUNPHY ZOPHER, blacksmith, p o Mouth of Keswick
Fowler Esquire, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Fowler, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
HAGERMAN C, lumberman, p o Mouth of Keswick
Hayward John, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Humphreys Emery, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
JONES BENEDICT, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Merithen Abraham, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Merithen Charles, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Merithen Edwards, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Merithen Eleser, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Merithen Jacob, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Merithen Sanford, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
MURRAY THOMAS, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Pugh John, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Pugh William, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Riley John, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Shepherd Hamilton, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Shephard Wellington, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
SHEPHERD WESLEY, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Shepherd Woodbury, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Shepherd William, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Sloat Charles, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Sloat Henry, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Sisson Adolphus, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Sisson Jonathan, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
WEARY JOS, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Weary William, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Williams Joseph B, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Williams Winnet A, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Wright James, laborer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Yerxa Abraham, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Yerxa Arthur, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick
Yerxa Cook, farmer, p o Mouth of Keswick

Queen Hotel, J. A. Edwards prop’r, guests well provided, F’ton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 98

Page 98 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 98 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Tennant, Davies & Co., Fredericton, N. B., Mantle & Ulster Cloths

[CARROL RIDGE continued]
ESTEY MORRIS, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
McCarty Timothy, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
McCarty Timothy jr, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
Wilberley Alfred, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
WILBERLEY GEO, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
Wilberley Isaac, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
Wilberly Richard, section man, p o Canterbury Station
Wilberley Thomas, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
Wilberly William, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
Winters Charles, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
Wright Hiram, farmer, p o Canterbury Station
WRIGHT THOS, farmer, p o Canterbury Station

Hall Mrs Jane, farmer, p o Upper Queensbury
Hall Mrs John, p o Upper Queensbury
Hanson Alfred, farmer, p o Nackawick
Hanson Murray, farmer, p o Nackawick
King Andrew, farmer, p o Nackawick
STAIRS CHAS, farmer, p o Upper Queensbury
Stairs Samuel, farmer, p o Upper Queensbury
Stairs Thomas farmer, p o Upper Queensbury
Thornton Lemuel A, farmer, p o Nackawick

Anderson James, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
ANDERSON JOS, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Anderson Joseph jr, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Anderson William, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Caverhill Peter, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Caverhill Walter, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Hallet Bartlett, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
HALLET JAS V, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Hallet John W, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
MILLER HENRY, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Miller Joseph, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Oliver Andrew, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Oliver George, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Oliver John, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
OLIVER WM, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Prescott Henry, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Prescott Henry jr, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
PRESCOTT WM, postmaster, p o Lower Caverhill
Prescott William H, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Shaw Bruce F, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Shaw John, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
Watson John, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill
WOODWORTH JOEL, farmer, p o Lower Caverhill

Try Gunn’s for a good Suit of Clothes, Queen Street, Fredericton.

[There are two communities listed as “Caverhill” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database in York County.  There is Caverhill in Southampton Parish and Caverhill in Queensbury Parish.]

 [McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 95

Page 95 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 95 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Lace Curtains, at Tennant, Davies & Co., Fredericton, N. B.

Ratigan Thomas, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Ratigan William, farmer, p o Canterbury station
RHODY SAMUEL, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Scott Charles, farmer, p o Canterbury station
SCOTT RICHARD H, boot and shoemaker, p o Canterbury station
Scott William, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Shannon Robert, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Shannon Thomas, farmer, p o Canterbury station
SHAW MICHAEL, general dealer, p o Canterbury station
Shirley James A, clerk, p o Canterbury station
Smith Bras, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Smith James, farmer, p o Canterbury station
SMITH JOHN H, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Strong Absalom, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Thompson James, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Walling Hugh, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Walling William, farmer, p o Canterbury station
WALSH JAMES, station master, p o Canterbury station
Whalen William, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wilkins Freeman, farmer, p o Canterbury station
WILLIAMS JOHN, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wise William, farmer, p o Canterbury station
WRIGHT ALEXANDER, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Alfred, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Allan, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Edmund, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Edmund, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Frederick, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright George, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Hiram, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Howard, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright James, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright John, farmer, p o Canterbury station
Wright Rainsford, farmer, p o Canterbury station
WRIGHT SAMUEL F, general dealer, p o Canterbury station

Bragdon, William, laborer, p o Canterbury
Briggs, William, blacksmith, p o Canterbury
BROWN CHARKES L, hotel and general dealer, p o Canterbury
Deveaux Joseph, cooper, p o Canterbury
Deveaux, Michael, laborer, p o Canterbury
Dickinson Isaac, laborer, p o Canterbury
Dickinson Obediah, farmer, p o Canterbury
Dickinson Tertullus, farmer, p o Canterbury
Dow Asa, p o Canterbury
Dow Evered, laborer, p o Canterbury
Dow Lorenzo, laborer, p o Canterbury
Dow Milnie, farmer, p o Canterbury
EDWARDS THEOPHILUS, gen dealer, p o Canterbury
Ford John, p o Canterbury

Clothes made to order at Gunn’s, Queen Street, Fredericton.

[There are two communities listed as “Canterbury” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database in York County.  There is Canterbury in at the mouth of Eel River in Canterbury Parish and Canterbury in Meductic Canterbury Parish.  “Canterbury Lower” was not listed.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!