Tag Archives: Long

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 238

Page 238 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 238 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17) –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Clocks from $1.50 upwards, L. N. Fletcher’s, Main st., Woodstock,

Ketchum Charles, farmer, h Main
KETCHUM G R R, General Dealer, Main, h
Jacksontown road See adv front
Ketchum Judith C, wid Ralph, h Main
Lancaster I Cleotus, laborer, h Jacksontown road
Legassie Peter, laborer, h Main
Long Richard, laborer, h Jacksontown road
Marshall John S, laborer, h r Main
Maxwell Mrs William, h Main
McBride Miss Isabella, school teacher, bds Main
McCluskey Jane, wid Thomas, h Main
McCluskey William, farmer, h Main
McCluskey Woodman, laborer, h Main
McDonald H G, tanner, h Main
McINTOSH WM, school teacher, h Main
McKim Patrick, hostler, bds Trecartin house
Mclaughlin Patrick, nursery man, bds Main
Paterson Sandberg, laborer, h Jacksontown road
Perley Samuel, laborer, h Jacksontown road
PHILLIPS DAVID, leather manufacturer, Main, h do
Phillips Zoaphar, farmer, h Main
Plummer A C, farmer, h Jacksontown road
Plummer A C, jr, laborer, bds Jacksontown road
REYNOLDS HENRY O, physician, Main, h do
Riley John, blacksmith, h Jacksontown road
Sanburn John, farmer, h Main
Saunders Owen, laborer, h Main
Sawyer Eli, farmer, h Jacksontown road
SHARP FRANCIS P, nursery man, Main, h do
Sharp Franklin, nursery man, bds Main
Shaw Matthew, farmer, h Main
Sherwood William, laborer, bds Lorne house
SMITH CHAS E, collar maker, Main, h do
Smith David, farmer, h Jacksontown road
Smith James T, farmer, h Main
SMITH JNO E, tailor, Main, h do
Smith Walter J, upholsterer, bds Lorne house
Smith Wayman A, school teacher, h Main
STEVENSON ROBT, grocer and postmaster, Main, h do
Stevens Justice, hoop maker, h Jacksontown road
Thibideau Stephen, teamster, h Main
TRECARTEN WALTER, prop Trecarten house, Main
Vulcans Robert, cabinet maker, bds Trecarten house
Walton John, farmer, h Jacksontown road

Lambrequins, Cretonnes, &c., John McLauchlan, Main st., Woodsk

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 237]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 239]

A Fredericton Region Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

A BIG thank you to Erin who has volunteered to help me with the McAlpine transcriptions and to Sunitha C. from Sparked.com Microvolunteering!!!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 141

Page 141 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 141 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



J. J. Weddall, Dry Goods, opp. Normal School, Fredericton.

[MARYSVILLE continued]
Drillen Thomas, millman, p o Marysville
Dunbar John, laborer, p o Marysville
Edmunds H A, engineer, p o Marysville
Estabrooks Hezkiah, millman, p o Marysville
Estabrook Wellington, laborer, p o Marysville
EVANS REV EVAN, Methodist, p o Marysville
Finnimore John, millman, p o Marysville
Finnimore, Richard, farmer, p o Marysville
Fisher Charles, farmer, p o Marysville
Foley Felix, millman, p o Marysville
FOSTER GEO W, hotel and postmaster, p o Marysville
Galy George, hostler, p o Marysville
Gibbs James, shoemaker, p o Marysville
GIBSON ALEX, mills and lumber dealer, p o Marysville
Gibson Alexander jr, foreman, p o Marysville
Gibson James, bookkeeper, p o Marysville
GIBSON JOHN, bookkeeper, p o Marysville
Gibson Mrs John T, p o Marysville
Godsoe John, millman, p o Marysville
Gosman Thomas, farmer, p o Marysville
Gregory hugh, farmer, p o Marysville
Gregory Joseph, farmer, p o Marysville
Hales Edward, hostler, p o Marysville
HANSON GEO, blacksmith, p o Marysville
Heron Alexander, filer, p o Marysville
Heron John, millman, p o Marysville
Higgins Charles, millman, w o [sic] Marysville
Higgins Edward, miller, p o Marysville
Higgins Hugh, millman, p o Marysville
Higgins James, filer, p o Marysville
Higgins James jr, millman, p o Marysville
Holland Richard, laborer, p o Marysville
Hovey Allan, millman, p o Marysville
Libbey Freeman H T, stream driver, p o Marysville
Libbey Jacob, stream driver, p o Marysville
Libbey Judson, clerk, p o Marysville
LINT JOSIAH, miller, p o Marysville
Long John, laborer, p o Marysville
Manzer Charles, carpenter, p o Marysville
Markey Philip, millman, p o Marysville
McConaghy Charles, p o Marysville
McCONAGHY JAMES, blacksmith, p o Marysville
McCraig John, millman, p o Marysville
McGlinchey John C, laborer, p o Marysville
McLean Allan, farmer, p o Marysville
Morrison Thomas, hostler, p o Marysville
Murray Frederick, salesman, p o Marysville
Murray James, salesman, p o Marysville
Peterson James jr, millman, p o Marysville

Queen Hotel, J. A. Edwards prop’r, guests well provided, F’ton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 136

Page 136 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 136 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



Queen Hotel, good Rooms, good Fare and good Stables, Frederic’n

Burt Ira, carriage manufacturer, p o Keswick Ridge
CHRISTY ELBRIDGE, carriage mnfr, p o Keswick Ridge
Christy Peter, carriage manufacturer, p o Keswick Ridge
Edmunds Benjamin, blacksmith, p o Keswick Ridge
GRANT JAS, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Harrigan James, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Ingram Alfred, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Abraham T, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Charles, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Clowes, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
JEWETT GEO W, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Harvey N, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Jewett Malachi, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Long Eliezer, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
LONG FREDERICK, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Long Henry, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Long William, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
O’Ree Andrew, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Patterson Elijah, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Patterson Thomas, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
SIMMONS JAS, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Sloat Benjamin, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge
Vanwart Asa, farmer, p o Keswick Ridge

ADAMS THOS, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Adams William, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Edmundston Thomas, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Gartley Andrew, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Gartley James, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Gartley John, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Gartley Joseph, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Graham Mrs John, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hamilton James, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
HAMILTON JNO, gen dealer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hamilton Ralph, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hamilton Robert, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hamilton William, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Henry John A, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Henry William A, lumberman, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hood George, lumberman, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hood Lindsay, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Hood William, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
JAMIESOM JAMES, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Jamieson James R, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Jamieson John, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic
Jamieson William, farmer, p o Upper Magaguadavic

J. J. Weddall, all goods as represented, Fredericton.

[I found two “Magaguadavic’s” (pronounced “mac-a-day-vy”)  in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database for York CountyMagaguadavic in Prince William Parish and Magaguadavic in Manners Sutton Parish.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 129

Page 129 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 129 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



A sure fit, the best of workmanship, at Gunn’s, Fredericton.

[KINGSCLEAR continued]
KILBURN BENJ, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Kilburn John, lumberman, p o Kingsclear
King David, farmer, p o Kingsclear
KING EMERY, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Kitchen Joseph, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Kitchen Moses, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Kitchen Samuel, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Long James, farmer, p o Kingsclear
LOVELL BRAS, lumber, p o Kingsclear
Mazeral Francis, farmer, p o Kingsclear
MAZERAL JOS, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Mazeral Michael, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Mazeral Michael jr, farmer, p o Kingsclear
McCarty Charles, farmer, p o Kingsclear
McCarty Charles, farmer, p o Kingsclear
McCarty Isaac, farmer, p o Kingsclear
McCarty John, laborer, p o Kingsclear
McKEEN JOHN, gen dealer, p o Kingsclear
Moffat Thomas, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Moffat William, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Moffat William jun, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Morris James, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Myshrall Joseph A, farmer, p o Kingsclear
NILES ANDREW, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Niles Isaac, farmer, p o Kingsclear
O’Donnell Israel, laborer, p o Kingsclear
Peters Augustus, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Scott George, farmer, p o Kingsclear
SIGER WILLIAM, hotel, p o Kingsclear
Slipp Thomas, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Slipp William, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Smith Edmund, farmer, p o Kingsclear
SMITH JOHN, boot and shoe maker, p o Kingsclear
Smith Sanford, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Strange George, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Warren Edward, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Warren Hanford, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Weary Francis, laborer, p o Kingsclear
WEARY GEORGE, farmer, p o Kingsclear
Weary George, jun, farmer, p o Kingsclear

ANDERSON WILLIAM, farmer, p o Central Kingsclear
Farcey Henry, farmer, p o Central Kingsclear
Farcey Robert, farmer, p o Central Kingsclear
Fox B, school teacher, p o Central Kingsclear
Francis George, laborer, p o Central Kingsclear
Francis William, laborer, p o Central Kingsclear
Gallagher Ichabod, farmer, p o Central Kingsclear

The very best of Cloths used at Gunn’s the Tailor, Fredericton.

[I could not find “Central Kingsclear” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database for York County.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 90

Page 90 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 90 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



The best Dentifrice known is Davis’ Aromatic Tooth Powder.

[CANTERBURY continued]
Grant Samuel, farmer, p o Canterbury
GROSVENOR E E, postmaster, p o Canterbury
Hartley Mrs Charles, p o Canterbury
Lenentine Moses Y, farmer, p o Canterbury
Long Abraham, laborer, p o Canterbury
LOWRY JAS, farmer, p o Canterbury
Marston Ezekiel, farmer, p o Canterbury
Moore Frederick, lumberman, p o Canterbury
Moore Miles, farmer, p o Canterbury
Patterson Alfred, farmer, p o Canterbury
Patterson Alwin, farmer, p o Canterbury
PATTERSON ARCHIE, farmer, p o Canterbury
Patterson John, farmer, p o Canterbury
Patterson Walter H, farmer, p o Canterbury
Tripp William, farmer, p o Canterbury
Turner Thomas, farmer, p o Canterbury

Anderson Parker, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
Flewelling Edward, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
FOX FREEMAN, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Fox Shepherd, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Grant Absalom, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Grant Gordon, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Grant Wm, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
GRIFFIN CHAS, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
Hagerman Chas, p o Lower Canterbury
Hagerman Eldridge, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
HALL ROBT, boot and shoe maker and post master, p o Lower Cant
Hall Samuel, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
Hillman Moses, famer, p o Lower Canterbury
Hillman Nehemiah, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Hillman Steward, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
INGRAM EZRA, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Ingram Worden, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
LONGSTAFF JOHN W, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
McAllister John, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
McNally Arthur, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
Miller Charles, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
MOIR ALEX G, mechanic, p o Lower Canterbury
Niles George, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
PARKER CHAS, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
Ritchie Bruce, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
RITCHIE HUGH, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Ritchie James, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Ritchie John, laborer, p o Lower Canterbury
Shaw Charles, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Shaw George, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury
Shaw George jr, farmer, p o Lower Canterbury

Clothes made to order at Gunn’s, Queen Street Fredericton.

[There are two communities listed as “Canterbury” in the Provincial Archives “Where is Home? New Brunswick Communities Past and Present” database in York County.  There is Canterbury in at the mouth of Eel River in Canterbury Parish and Canterbury in Meductic Canterbury Parish.  “Canterbury Lower” was not listed.]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 82

Page 82 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 82 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]

[Towns, Villages and Settlements in York County continued]



 Tennant, Davies & Co., Fredericton, N. B., Silks and Lisle Gloves.

[BEAR ISLAND continued]
Hagerman Mrs. Joseph, p o Bear Island
Hagerman Lawrence, farmer, p o Bear Island
Hagerman William, farmer, p o Bear Island
Hallett Chesley, farmer, p o Bear Island
HALLETT JAMES L, farmer, p o Bear Island
Huestis Henry, farmer, p o Bear Island
Huestis John, farmer, p o Bear Island
Ingram Benjamin, farmer, p o Bear Island
Ingram Charles, farmer, p o Bear Island
INGRAM FRED, farmer, p o Bear Island
Ingram George McR, farmer, p o Bear Island
Ingram Ira, farmer, p o Bear Island
Ingram Samuel, farmer, p o Bear Island
JACKSON HENRY, blacksmith, p o Bear Island
Jackson, John, blacksmith, p o Bear Island
Jones William E, farmer, p o Bear Island
Lint Amos, farmer, p o Bear Island
Lint George E, farmer, p o Bear Island
LONG GEO A, farmer, p o Bear Island
Long Henry W, farmer, p o Bear Island
Manuel George F, farmer, p o Bear Island
Mooers Charles W, bookkeeper, p o Bear Island
Mooers Dudly H, farmer, p o Bear Island
Mooers Duncan, farmer, p o Bear Island
Mooers George, farmer, p o Bear Island
Mooers James G, farmer, p o Bear Island
MOOERS JOHN S, general dealer, p o Bear Island
Mooers Peter, farmer, p o Bear Island
Mooers Wellington, boot and shoe maker, p o Bear Island
Mooers William, farmer, p o Bear Island
Murch Isaac, farmer, p o Bear Island
Murch John H, farmer, p o Bear Island
Parent Daniel, farmer, p o Bear Island
Parent Mrs George, p o Bear Island
Parent Henry, farmer, p o Bear Island
PARENT ISAIAH, post master, p o Bear Island
Parent Manzer, farmer, p o Bear Island
Parent Stephen, farmer, p o Bear Island
Perley Thomas H, farmer, p o Bear Island
Plant Frederick, farmer, p o Bear Island
SIMPSON WM, farmer, p o Bear Island
Sinnott David, farmer, p o Bear Island
Sinnott Frederick J, laborer, p o Bear Island
SINNOTT JAS, carpenter, p o Bear Island
Vanwart Duvall G, farmer, p o Bear Island

Cowie David, farmer, p o New Maryland
Haining William, farmer, p o New Maryland

Always on hand Flour, Meal and Fish, at Yerxa & Yerxa’s, F’ton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 46

Page 46 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 46 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Davis’ Aperient Pills are the best Family Physic.  Try them!

Limerick John R, tinsmith, bds King
Limerick Joshua, carpenter, h King
Lindsay Andrew, hostler, bds Westmoreland
Lint George, labourer, h King
Lipsett Andrew, h Charlotte
LIPSETT ANDW, pub “Maritime Farmer” and chief engnr fire dept, h Westmorland  See adv front
Lipsett Thomas, printer, bds Westmorland
Lipsett William, labourer, h Charlotte
Liskill Jas, merchant tailor, St John, h do
Lister John, janitor parliament house, h Sunbury
Lister Miss Mary, h Charlotte
Lister Nicholas D, barber, bds River View Hotel
Lockhart John, carpenter, h Westmorland
Lockhart Margaret, wid John, h Westmorland
Lockhart, William, painter, h Charlotte
Logan Elizabeth, wid Thomas, h York
LOGAN WM R, grocer and provisions, Queen, h King
Loggie Thos G, compiler surv general office, h Queen cor Regent
Loggie Capt Thos G, draughtsman crown land office, Queen
London Mrs George, dressmaker, Queen, h do w
Long Isaac K, piano tuner, bds Long’s Hotel
Long John, labourer, h Charlotte
Long Wm W, h George
LOTTIMER ANDW, Boots, Shoes & Trunks, Queen, h King  See adv inside back cover
Lottimer John, machinist, h Campbell
Lottimer Thomas, blacksmith, h Shore
Lowell Henry, h Brunswick
Lowry Armstrong, filer, h King
Lowry Mathew A, lumber surveyor, h King
Lowry William, tanner, h Brunswick
LUCY DAN, lumber dealer, boots & shoes, clothier, Queen, h King
LUCY THOS, clothier, boots and shoes, clothier, Queen, h King
Lugrin W Herbert, printer, h King
Lyle Miss Jennie, teacher, Model school, h Carleton
LYNCH JOHN A, pro People’s hotel & oys sal’n, Queen & King
Lynch Timothy, lumberer, h Regent [Research enquiry about the Lynch Family]
Lynn James, coachman, h St John
Lyons Isabella, wid William, h King
Lyons James, carpenter, h King
Lyons John, mason, h King
MacCabe Donald, carpenter, bds Queen w
Machum Albert, clerk, h Queen w

Lace Curtains, at Tennant, Davies & Co., Fredericton, N. B.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!


MC300-MS25 York-Sunbury Historical Society Collection Description (page 186)

If you are interested in any of these files then please contact the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

“This series contains nine deeds dating between 1795 and 1926.”

1  Deed of sale from the Trustees of the First Calvinistic Baptist Chapel in Jacksontown, Carleton County, to George Everitt, for a pew; June 22, 1842.

2  Deeds relating to the property of William Brydon Jack and Mary Anne Elizabeth Jack in Fredericton; 1844-1878.

3  Deed of sale from the Central Bank of New Brunswick to Edward Jack, Fredericton, for land in Blackville Northumberland County; January 24, 1874.

4  Deed from King George IV to Jacob Jones for land in Salisbury Parish, Westmorland County; August 27, 1830 (Provincial seal attached).

5  Deeds and receipts to the property of William Benjamin Long and Thomas Murray Long, Kingsclear; 1854-1909.

6  Deed of sale from Nicholas Rideout, Maugerville, to Jacob Vail, St. John, for land in Maugerville; August 4, 1795.

7  Deed of sale from Jacob Veal (Vail),Maugerville, to Gabriel de Veber, Lancaster, for land in Maugerville; July 14, 1800.

8  Fragment of a deed of sale from Raper Milner to Frederick Abraham D’Veber for land in Maugerville; February 4, 1833.

9  Deed of sale with map from Sarah Ketchum to the Local Improvement Association of the City of Fredericton for land on “the flats” in Fredericton; November 27, 1926.

Genealogical Charts and Family History Papers

MC300-MS20 York-Sunbury Historical Society Collection Description (page 175)

If you are interested in any of these files then please contact the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

“This series contains compilations on families gathered from many sources.  The charts are mainly family trees drawn up by Lilian Maxwell et al.  This series, of course, is not the only place in the Collection to find genealogical information, but it is the series containing items, which seem to have been created specifically for genealogical and family history purposes.  The series measures 10 centimeters.”

1/OS  Price family genealogical chart. (See also MS1/20 letter from Gerald Keith dated October 2, 1974.)  MAP SECTION PANB

2/OS  Burt family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

3/OS  Hartt family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

4/OS  Thomas family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

5/OS  Segee family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

6/OS  Whelpley family genealogical chart. MAP SECTION PANB

7/OS  Fraser family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

8/OS  Jouett family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

9/OS  Yerxa family genealogical chart.  MAP SECTION PANB

10  Essay entitled “The Trinity Church Story” [New York] containing information on the following families:  Bogardus, Showers, Van Every, Scott, Brower (Brewer), Mathewson, Quackenbus, Hill, and Edwards; n.d.

11  Cox family genealogical information.

12  “Pioneers of Fawcett Hill, Sackville Parish, Westmorland County” by J.E. Humphreys, being Fawcett family genealogical information.

13  Henry family genealogical information.

14  Copy of a letter to Ronald H. Ness on the Van Ness family history; Federicton, March 30, 1949.

15  Excerpt entitled “Rev. Cavalier Jouet” from an article in the Collection of the New Jersey Historical Society, Vol. X, by Alfred Jones, pp. 108-112.

16 Simonds family genealogical information

17  Barker family genealogical information

18  “Our Ancestors and Their Families”, by Cleadie Barnett,  1968

19  “An Account of the Blakeney Family of Westmorland [sic] County, New Brunswick, Canada“,  rewritten by R.V. Blakeney,  1940

20  “Part of the 1940-41 Supplement to the Sprague Families in America”,  by Dr. W.V. Sprague, 1941  (This part deals with the descendants of Francis Sprague of Eastern Maine.)

21  Merritt family genealogical information

22  Family records of Joseph Clark Allan and Rebecca Davidson Ellegood  (described as the Akerley Papers)

23  Genealogical information about the Bayard, Busby, and Fisher families as found in the correspondence of Mrs. M.J. Thompson, Head of the Archives Division, University of New Brunswick Library, 1956.

24  Good family genealogical information

25  Clopper, Botsford, Roosevelt family genealogical information.

26  Extract of a letter from Judge K. Edward K. Winslow to Edward Winslow Jr. which mentions K. Colonel Stephen Miller, a biographical sketch of Miller who was a loyalist from Massachusetts; Kingsclear, December 30, 1811.

 27  History of the academic hood worn by members of the Roberts family such as Charles G.D. Roberts, Bliss Carman, Ellen M. Stopford; n.d.

28  Drummond and MacGregor family genealogical information, compiled by Mrs. Nathan Squires.

29  Slason family genealogical information.

30  Adams family genealogical information.

31  Wetmore family genealogical chart.

32  Garrison, Perley, and Palmer family genealogical information compiled by H.H. Stuart. and transcription of this prepared by George Hayward, 2006

a.  Perley family genealogical chart.

33  Smith family genealogical information.

34  Long family genealogical information.

35  Sharp family genealogical chart.

36  Merrill family genealogical chart and bulletin.

Lilian Maxwell Genealogical Correspondence

MC300-MS3 York-Sunbury Historical Society Collection
(page 97)

If you are interested in any of these files then please contact the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

“Lilian Mary Beckwith Maxwell (1877-1956) was born in Fredericton, the daughter of Charles Beckwith and Mary Helen Glasier.  She graduated from the University of New Brunswick in 1898 with a Bachelor of Arts with Distinction in English.  She attended Wellington Teachers’ Training School in Massachusetts and the Provincial Normal School in Fredericton, and taught in Ludlow and Saint John.  She married James Brown Maxwell, an engineer.  After living in the United States for a short time, they, with their three children, settled in Fredericton.

Lilian Maxwell was a charter member of the York-Sunbury Historical Society, and wrote for the Society as well as for newspapers and magazines.  She had several books published including The History of Central New Brunswick and The River St. John and Its Poets.  She was a member of the Senate of the University of New Brunswick and received an honorary Doctorate of Laws from that Institution.  She was also a charter member of the Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and of the Governor Carleton Chapter of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire.

Her other interests included art and antiques.  Maxwell was a very active member of the Historical Society and in some cases in this series, it is difficult to differentiate between her personal correspondence and research and that done on behalf of the Society.  She produced a great many family genealogies and responded to numerous inquiries in the form of letters to Maxwell, which date from 1932 to 1965.  They are arranged by the surname of the main family being researched.  The names in brackets are also mentioned in the correspondence and the date following the name refers to the date of the inquiry.  In many cases, the amount of genealogical information actually provided is minimal.  This series measures 50 centimeters.”

1   General information on genealogical procedure: 1938-1953
2   Abrahams (Abrams); 1938
3   Adams; 1937-52
4   Agnew; n.d.
5   Ahearn; 1947
6   Ansley; 1939
7   Allan (Allen); 1934-1943
8   Allison (Ellison); 1946
9   Anderson; 1944
10   Appleby; 1940
11   Armstrong; 1965
12   Arnold; n.d
13   Atchison; 1943
14   Atkinson; 1951
14a  Austin; 1949-1964
15   Ayer; 1950-1952
16     Babbit; n.d.
17     Bagley; 1944
18     Bailey; 1954
19     Barker; n.d.
20     Bassett; 1939
21     Baxter; 1937
22     Beach; 1942
23     Bearisto; 1950
24     Beckett; 1938
25     Beckwith; 1936-1940
26     Bedell; 1955
27     Derris (Dennis); 1958-1959
28     Bishop; 1944
29     Blakeney; n.d.
30     Bogert; (Bogart); 1965
31     Bonney; 1938-1953
32     Bowden; 1948
33     Bowen; 1944
34     Boyd; 1951
35     Radford; 1945-1948
36     Bradley; 1937
37     Brand; 1944
38     Brannen; 1931
39     Briggs; 1946
40     Brittain;1937
41     Brown; 1936
42     Brownell; 1937
43     Buchanan; 1937
44     Burnett; 1944
45     Burt; n.d.
46     Burton; 1949
47     Caldwell (Rowell); 1937
48     Calhoun; 1939
49     Calkin; 1965
50     Cameron (Lint; Cook); 1947
51     Camp; 1948
52     Campbell; 1935
53     Carl; n.d.
54     Carleton; 1936
55     Carlin (Carling); 1939
56     Carlisle; 1950
57     Carmen (Haight); 1950
58     Carmichael; 1938
59     Carney; 1950
60     Chase (Moore; Keezer); 1943-1944
61     Chestnut; 1951
62     Chipman; 1931
63     Clark; 1939
64     Clements; 1930
65     Cliff; 1935
66     Close; n.d.
67     Coates; 1946
68     Coddington; 1946
69     Cody; 1965
70     Cole; 1940
71     Coleman; 1934
72     Compton; 1947
73     Condon; 1950
74     Cook (Lint); 1934
75     Coon; 1933
76     Cougle (Allan; Lockwood); n.d.
77     Coulthard; 1964
78     Cox; n.d.
79     Crandall; 1941
80     Crane; 1939
81     Crighton; 1939
82     Croft (Simonds); 1945
83     Crouse; 1941
84     Cunningham; 1936
85     Cyr (Sears; Crock); 1946
86     Dailey; 1940
87     D’Amours; n.d.
88     Davidson; 1934-1946
89     Davis; 1949
90     Day; 1939-1942
91     DeVeber; n.d.
92     Doak; 1943
93     Dow; 1945
94     Drummond; 1940
95     Dunham (Close); n.d.
96     Earle (Fraser; Rapalje; Emerson); 1946
97     Ebberson; 1950
98     Edmonds; 1938
99     Edmondton; n.d.
100   Elliot (Murchie); 1937-1952
101   Ellis; 1951-1952
102   Emery; 1937
103   Estabrooks; 1955
104   Estey (Morehouse; Hartt; Cunningham); 1957
105   Finnimore; n.d.
106   Fitzgerald;l 1938-1939
107   Foreman (Moore); 1946
108   Forrester; 1947
109   Foshay (Jones; Dayton) 1940
110   Foster (Wortman); 1942-1949
111   Fowler (Bostwick; Odell; Cables); 1934
112   Fox (104th; Moran); 1946
113   Fraser (Frazer; Leonard; Rapelie; Grigor; Baby; Earle; Hoare; New Brunswick Fencibles; Calder) 1949
114   French (Bennet); 1931
115   Fuller; 1943
116   Gage (Goucher); 1949
117   Gallant (Haches; Hacheys); 1965
118   Gamble (Howe); n.d.
119   Garden (Balloch; Thompson; Hewlett; Green); 1936
120   Garrison; 1946
121   Gaskin; 1937
122   Gault; 1941
123   Gaynor; n.d.
124   Gethchell (Jay; Jessey; Barnard; Fowler; Brown); 1948
125   Gilbert; n.d.
126   Gill; 1931
127   Glasier; n.d.
128   Glendenning (Perkins); 1953
129   Golden; 1947
130   Good; 1965
131   Gorham; 1933
132   Graham (Mitchey; Mitchell; Jackson); n.d.
133   Grant; 1953
134   Graves; 1949
135   Gray (Scott); 1954
136   Greenough; 1946
137   Gregory; 1938
138   Gunter; n.d.
139   Guyon (Guion; D’Amours; Freneuse); n.d.
140   Hailes (Sproule); 1943
141   Hall (Hart); 1933
142   Handy; 1939
143   Hanson; (Baldwin); 1953
144   Harding (Price; Fownes); 1954
145   Harley; 1956
146   Harper (Hastings); 1939
147   Harris; n.d.
148   Hartt; n.d.
149   Harvey; n.d.
150   Hatfield; 1938
151   Hatheway; n.d.
152   Hatton (Crerar); n.d.
153   Hawkins; n.d.
154   Hayes (Baxter); 1937
155   Hazen (Harley); n.d.
156   Henry; 1940
157   Hewlett (Whiting); 1942
158   Hierlihy; n.d.
159   Hill; n.d.
160   Hillman; n.d.
161   Hopkins (Bennison); 1948
162   Hopps (Bradford); 1954
163   Hovey; 1937
164   Howard; 1952
165   Howlet; n.d.
166   Hubbard; n.d.
167   Hunter; n.d.
168   Huston (Inches); 1938
169   Jackson; 1949
170   Jacob; 1953
171   James; 1940
172   Jarvis; n.d.
173   Jenkin; 1941
174   Jenks; 1948
175   Jewett (Beckwith; Juet); 1933-1948
176   Johnston (MacBeath); 1939
177   Jones; 1952
178   Keenan; 1965
179   Kennedy; 1934
180   Kenny (Kinny; Barlow; Kenney); 1934
181   Kent; n.d.
182   Ketchum; 1950; 1950-1953
183   Kimball; 1952
184   Lamoreaux; 1946
185   Lan (Long); 1946-1947
186   LaTour; n.d.
187   Lattie; 1949
188   Lawrance; 1938
189   Lawson; 1940
190   Leonard (Earl; Fraser); 1948
191   Lint; 1946
192   Lipsett (Coomb); n.d.
193   Little; 1942
194   Lord; 1953
195   Lounsbury; 1945
196   Ludlow; n.d.
197   MacBean; 1934
198   MacMillan; 1948
199   MacNaughton (Kerr; Gunn; Johnson-Johnston; Burnett; MacBeath); 1939
200   McCumber; n.d.
201   McGlinchey (Bailey); n.d.
202   McLeod (McLean; Price; Pond; MacKenzie); n.d.
203   McNeil (McNeal); n.d.
204   Manuel; 1952
205   Manzar; 1941
206   Marsh (March; La Marche); 1941
207   Mauger; 1933
208   Maxwell; 1948
209   Mersereau; 1933
210   Miles; n.d.
211   Millage; 1943
212   Mills (Olmstead); 1937
213   Minard; 1968
214   Minchin; 1946
215   Mitchell (Anderson); 1938
216   Mott; 1954
217   Mowry; 1939
218   Murray; 1931
219   Myler; 1933
220   Nadeau; 1941
221   Needham (Jouet; Yerxa; Fraser; Nadeau); 1947
222   Nevers (Innis; Gidney); 1953
223   Odell; 1942-1944
224   O’Meara (Meade); 1944
225   Oren (Coloured); n.d.
226   Owen (Medely; Kent; Wade; Arnold; Young); 1947
227   Paddock (Robinson); n.d.
228   Paine; 1952
229   Palmer; n.d.
230   Parent; 1937
231   Patterson; 1938
232   Peck (Pack); 1942
233   Perkins; 1938-1953
234   Perley; n.d.
235   Peters (Inches; Glasiers); 1938
236   Phair; 1952
237   Phillips; 1952
238   Pickard (Brill); 1941
239   Polley; 1933
240   Pond; 1950-51
241   Post (Bogart); 1938
242   Power; 1939
243   Price; 1947
244   Purdy (Currie); 1933-1949
245   Rand; 1943
246   Randall; 1935-1949
247   Rapalje (Vanderbury; Vanderburg); 1932
248   Raymond; 1945
249   Reid; 1931
250   Reynolds; 1950
251   Rideout; 1950
252   Roberts; 1938
253   Rockwell; 1948
254   Rosborough; n.d.
255   Ruby (Roby; Howe); 1952
256   Russel (Marsh); 1953
257   Ryerson; 1937
258   Saunders (Allen; Tabor); 1941
259   Say; 1950
260   Schrivner; 1933
261   Secord (Mabee); 1946
262   Seely (Ziele; Uziele); 1948
263   Segee (Noble); 1940
264   Sentall; 1932-1934
265   Sharp; 1945
266   Shaw; 1940-1947
267   Sherman; 1947
268   Sherwood; 1969
269   Shvieler; n.d.
270   Simonds; n.d.
271   Smith; 1935
272   Snider; 1945
273   Sqrague (Bonney); 1941
274   Sproule; 1931
275   Steeves; 1954
276   Stephenson (Coon); 1933
277   Stilson; 1945
278   Stow; 1939
279   Strange; 1933
280   Street; n.d.
281   Sutton; n.d.
282   Sypher; 1938
283   Terrill (Earle); 1928
284   Thomas (Bowden; Blaicher; Bleaker; Blackard; Blucher); 1939-940
285   Thorton; 1952
286   Tibbits; 1952
287   Tingley; 1965
288   Todd; 1936-1938
289   Tomson; n.d.
290   Towers (McLaughlin); 1953
291   Townsend (Waugh; Carney); 1948
292   Trafton; 1947
293   Trecartin; 1948
294   Tribe; 1946
295   Turner; 1939-1943
296   Vail; 1938-1940
297   Valentine; n.d.
298   Vandenburg (VanAllen); 1933
299   Vanderbeck (Underhill); 1935
300   Van der Burgh; n.d.
301   Vardy (Verder); 1933
302   Vogler; 1937
303   Wallace; n.d.
304   Walsh; n.d.
305   Ward (Salisbury; Ayer; Finney; Dixon); 1939;1950
306   Wardell (Riseley); 1950
307   Webb; n.d.
308   Webster; 1939-1945
309   Welch; 1939
310   Weldon; 1952
311   Whelpley; 1941
312   Whitmore (Babbidge; Lyons); 1948
313   Lyon; 1959
314   Wilkinson; 1941
315   Williams (Reid; Morris; Van Buskirk); 1946
316   Willoughby (Herbert); 1939
317   Wilmot; 1932
318   Wilson; n.d.
319   Winslow (Winterbottom; Moodie); 1942
320   Woodforde (Winslow); 1940
321   Wolley (Slocum); 1940
322  Wortman; 1940
323  Yerxa; 1934-1942
324  Yeomans (Ferguson; Vanduson); 1946
325  Young; 1935
326  Hamlyn; 1956
327  Grasse (Bubar; Howland; Degrasse; Phillips); 1956-1961
328  Ketcheson; 1956
329 Goldrup (Gooldrup); 1956