Tag Archives: Rutter

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 65

Page 65 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 65 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



A Full Stock of Mountings, &c.

Perfect Fitting Garments, First-Class Workmanship,
Moderate Prices, Give me a Call
Wilmot’s Alley, off Queen Street, Fredericton.

Groceries and Provisions
Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
Regent Street, Fredericton, N. B.

SCHELEYER GEO W, photographer & fcy goods, Queen, h Charlotte
Schleyer John, gunsmith, Charlotte, h do
Schleyer John W, engineer, h Charlotte
Scully Charles, blacksmith, King, h George
Scully William, boot and shoe maker, King, h do
SCULLY WILLIAM H, Grocer, Regent, h do  See adv above
Sealy George E, lumberman, h George
Searle George, laborer, h King
SEERY WILLIAM E, Merchant Tailor, Wilmot alley, h Brunswick  See adv above

Grey and White Shirting at Tennant, Davies & Co., Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 64

Page 64 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

Page 64 of the McAlpine's York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85

[ABBREVIATIONS (found on page 17)  –ab above; adv advertisement; asst assistant; bds boards; cor corner; do same place or same street; dept department; e s east side; h house; n near; n s north side; opp opposite; r rear; rev reverend; s s south side; wid widow; w s west side; n north; s south; e east; w west; bet between.]



Dealers in House Coal.

RICHARDS JOHN & SON, Insurance and Railway Ticket Agents, Queen w  See adv above
Ross George, carriage blacksmith, h George
Ross Janet, wid Wesley, h Campbell
Ross Malcolm, engineer, h George
Ross Malcolm, japanner, h Brunswick
Ross Thomas, blacksmith, h King
Ross Thomas, builder, Charlotte, h do
Ross William A, carpenter, h George
Rowen Henry, foreman L W Sherman, h Shore
Rowe William, servant Government House
ROYAL HOTEL, Mrs B Atherton pro, Queen
Ruel John W M, clerk Customs, h Gibson
Russell Fanny, wid John, h George
Russell Gilbert, teamster, bds York
Russell James A, h Brunswick
Russell Samuel, hostler, Exchange hotel
Russell William, livery stable, Queen, h do w
Russell Wm E, of Fisher, Fisher & Russell, h York
RUTTER HENRY, Saddler, Harness Maker, Queen, h do e  See adv opp
Rutter Martha, wid Thomas, h King
Ryan Miss Catherine, dressmaker, h King
Ryan Edward, blacksmith, h King
Ryan James, hostler, h Charlotte
RYAN HON P G, Chief Com’r Bd Works, h Caraquet, Glou Co
Ryder James, mason, h King
SAMPSON CHAS A, secy Board School trustees, h Queen w
Sampson Jane, wid Thomas, h King
Sanson David, grocer, King, h Westmoreland
Sargent Geo W, agt N B Mining Co Lake George, h George
Saunders James, waiter Barker house
Saunderson Albert, house builder, Charlotte, h do
SCARR JOSEPH, boot and shoe maker, Queen, h George

Clothes made to order at Gunn’s, Queen Street, Fredericton.

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 13 – Index]

[McAlpine’s York and Carleton Counties Directory for 1884-85 Page 5 – Title Page]

A York Sunbury Museum project … exhibiting the history of Fredericton and central New Brunswick!

1866 Fenian Raid Veterans Reunion in 1896 Fredericton

Entry found in Daniel F. Johnson’s New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics pertaining to the 1866 Fenian Raid Veterans Reunion in 1896.  Thanks to the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick for making this database available on-line! 

Transcribed by Daniel F. Johnson.

Volume 102 Number 557 
Date April 11 1896
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner

The veterans of Fredericton who went to the front at the time of the Fenian raid in 1866 held their second annual reunion in the W.C.T.U. coffee room last night. The following guests were present: H.F. McLEOD, Joshua CHAPPELLE, H.C. RUTTER, R.P. ALLEN, Sgt. R. COCHRAN, W.D. BAILEY, S.S. THOMPSON. Sectretary A.D. Thomas called the roll and the following veterans answered to their names: Capt. J.D. PERKINS, John F. PAYNE, Wm LOCKHART, Fred TODD, Jas. RODGERS, A.D. Thomas, Major LIPSETT, Wm McLAUGHLIN and Thomas SMITH. The other surviving veterans not present at the reunion are Lt. Jas. McCAUSLAND, Ensign Edward CARTER, Sgt. Fred SKENE, Sgt. Chas. HARTT, Richard K. PINDER, G. Fred COY, Ashley WILMOT, Edwin HANINGTON, Thos. SAMPSON, Wm CROSBY, G.N. BABBITT, Jas. RUEL, Wm SWADE, Hiram ROSS, James HUMPHRISH, John CORBETT, James KELLY, Benjamin CLOSE, Joseph DRUM, Michael McSORLEY. Those numbered with the dead are: Major Edward SYMONDS, Color Sgt. Thomas FOWLER, Sgt. Isaac SIMMONS, Cpl. Archie WELSH, Lance Cpl. Daniel FOWLER, Privates: John ALLEN, John STRATTON, Alex. ANDERSON, Alex. WRIGHT, George R. SEELY, Dugald STEWART and James DEVIN. Of these Color Sgt. Fowler, Sgt. Simmonds and Alex. Anderson died during the past year.

“… a list of gentlemen and firms who were doing business in Fredericton in 1840”

Another treasure from Daniel F. Johnson’s New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics transcriptions.  Thanks, again, to the Province of New Brunswick Archives for making this database available on-line. 

Volume 96 Number 2380
Date November 1 1895
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner

W.H. QUINN has favored the ‘Gleaner’ with a list of gentlemen and firms who were doing business in Fredericton in 1840 and of those who have done business here since then and passed away or made changes. Some of the gentlemen in this list are still living. Mr. Quinn’s name also appears in the list of the veterans, he having been continuously in business in this city since 1850. The names which do not appear under the heading of some street are chiefly those of men who did business on Queen Street, although a few of them may have done business in some other locality. George WHITTAKER, shoe store; MYSHRALL & RITCHIE, groceries and liquors; ROBINSON & WHEELER, groceries and liquors; George FROUGHTON, groceries and liquors; John MOORE, groceries and liquors; William MOORE, groceries; Henry RUTTER, harness; Thomas HATHEWAY, grocer; Julius INCHES, clothing store; ROBINSON & ORMSBY, hotel; Miss HANCOCK, milliner; Miss HATHEWAY, milliner; Holly COY, druggist; ALLEN & BURNSIDE, grocers; William INCHES, grocer; John RUSSELL, tinsmith; Thomas MORRIS, clothier; Wesley ROSS, shoemaker; John WARD, grocer; Miss BISLEY, milliner; Miss DOAK, milliner; Jerry PORTER, baker; Robert ANDERSON, baker; Michael TAYLOR, tavern; Abraham McKEEN, groceries an liquors; Harry HAMMOND, grocer; Thomas PEPPERS, grocer; G.F. ATHERTON, grocer; ATHERTON & SMITH, grocers; Jacob MILLER, grocer; PICKARD and COBURN, general store; Benjmain CREIGHTON, tavern; N.S. HOOPER, groceries and liquors; J.S. BEEK, general store; KIERSTON, tinsmith; John McPHERSON, grocer and liquor; P. McMANUS, grocer; Mrs. BREEN, tavern; James BRYSON, grocer and liquors; John CARR, tavern; John McKINTOSH, grocer and liquor; HACKETT, tavern; DONALD, general store; Peter LEE, tavern; John McDALE, tavern; James MARA, grocer; Felix MULHERIN, grocer and liquor; GOULD, hotel; JACKSON, hotel; S.A. ACKERLEY, hardware; ADAMS, hardware; BUTCHER, cabinet maker; Thomas NESBITT, cabinet maker; Thomas AITKEN, cabinet maker; Thomas RUTTER, cabinet maker; Andrew CONNOR, mason; John WELLS, mason; Hugh BLOCK, mason; Thomas GIVAN, mason; Thomas LINDSAY, mason; Thomas BOWLAN, blacksmith; Thomas PARSONS, blacksmith; PARENT, blacksmith; Anthony SMITH, blacksmith; Enoch O. BRADLEY, blacksmith; John BROWN, blacksmith; Ned ELLIOTT, blacksmith; George ELLIOTT, blacksmith; John HANLON, blacksmith; Philip SCHLEYER, gunsmith; CARTER, gumsmith; KINCAID, gunsmith; John SIMPSON, printer; James WARD, printer; James HOGG, printer; Thomas HOGG, printer; James PHILLIPS, printer; John GRAHAM, printer; DOAK & HILL, printers; LARIMORE, printer; Chas. LUGRIN, printer; BANE, tinsmith; Wm MOORE, tinsmith; Wm CUNNINGHAM, tinsmith; John RUSSELL, tinsmith; Dan ELLIOTT, tinsmith; LEFOREST & Son, tinsmith; MITCHELL, grocer; James RANDOLPH, grocer; Wm SMITHSON, druggist; James McCAUSLAND, jeweller; Thos. BARKER, tanner; McCAUSLAND, leather store; Thos. SIMMONS, tanner; Henry CLARK, tanner; Pat DONNELLY, tanner; Stephen WHITTAKER, tanner; Jarvis KING, tanner; Zebedee GABEL, tanner; George HARTT, tanner; Samuel MILLER, stationer; Henry VAVASOUR, stationer; Samuel ACKERLEY, hardware; ADAMS, hardware; Polly VANHORN, tavern and grocery; Thomas LEE, tavern; Oliver SMITH, general store; Joseph GAYNOR, general store; Thomas STEWART, hardware; James WILLOX, harness maker; Richard STAPLES, tavern; John and James TAYLOR, general store; W.A. MELVIN, merchant; Francis BEVERLEY, bookbinder; Robert SUTHERLAND, shoemaker; Thomas ESSINGTON, tailor; Wm CAMERON, butcher; James COOK, merchant; James GALE, druggist; Henry S. BEEK, stationer; Peter SLAIN, baker; Joseph WOOLHOPTER, watchmaker; John F. and Sabastin SMITH, merchants; Thomas WILLIAMS, liquor and grocery; John S. COY, merchant; David MUNROE; Albert LORDLY, auctioneer; Patrick BRANNEN, grocer; Mr. MATHEWS, grocer; John MATHEWS, liquor; Dr. WILSON, barber; Timothy McCARTY, grocer; James BARKER, tavern; F.W. HATHEWAY, merchant; Andrew PAYNE, shoemaker; James KNOWLES, Express Co.; Con. LOWERY, grocer; Charles GREGOR, grocer; MacKINTOSH, general store; William GROSVENOR, dry goods and liquors; Spafford BARKER, general store; W.H. STREET, liquors and groceries; James LUCAS, general store; William PAISLEY, grocer; JOHNSON, grocer; Justin SPAHNN, watchmaker; Gilbert LEMONT, general store; James HAMILTON, dry goods; James MARTIN, tavern; Needham AKERLEY, grocer; Hector SUTHERLAND, general store; GORDON, druggist; Joseph FRENCH, groceries and liquors; Patrick KIRLIN, dry goods and clothing; Bernard KIRLIN, tailor; Nicholas MURRAY, tavern; George ANDERSON, tavern; William GRIEVES, tavern; Walter GRIEVES, tavern; O.T. SHARKEY, dry goods and groceries; Mrs. HAMILTON, milliner; McCONAGNY, groceries and liquors; John H. REID, groceries and liquors; Joseph LETT, tavern; George WOODS, general store; Mark NEEDHAM, auctioneer; Michael MORAN, grocer; Peter BOGAN, variety store; Jonathan P. TAYLOR & NORTH, watches and tinware; McGILVERY, shoe factory; McPHERSON & Co., general store; William FISHER, general store; Henry FISHER, general store; John McBEATH, clothing; James DRAKE, provision; Thomas PICKARD, general store; Alfred SMITH, druggist; Robt. CHESTNUT, hardware; Thomas STEWART, hardware; STEWART & NEILL, hardware; Treadwell SMITH, general store; WRIGHT, baker; W.F. BARKER, shoe store; W.H. ROBINSON, liquor store; William STEVENSON, grocer; James FRIEL, shoemaker; KENNELL & BISHOP, general store; Yerxa WHITE, grocer; CURRIER & TREADWELL, provisions; James CAMERON, grocer; George WINTER, general store; THORNE, general store; Joseph ARMOUR, grocer; John SHOALS, grocer; John MULLIN, shoe store; James HALE, general store; John B. GUNTER, grocer; John McGEEHAN, grocer; DAVIS, liquor store; CURREY & SMITH, grocers; Thomas BRADLEY, harness; Robert WELSH, Albion Hotel; BALLOCH’s hotel on the site of Randolph block; Charles YERXA, hotel; FRADSHAM hotel; Wm SEGEE, hotel; Duncan McPHERSON, harness maker; ESTEY hotel; SMITH hotel.